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The first Italian Machine Tool Industry Forum held in Beijing in cooperation between the two countries reached a new level


The first Italian Machine Tool Industry Forum held in Beijing in cooperation between the two countries reached a new level

In order to promote the exchange and cooperation of China Machine Tool Industry, China Machine Tool Industry Association and the Italian Association of Machine Tool, Robotics and Automation System Manufacturers at the Italian Embassy in China, the Italian Trade Commission and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of the People's Republic of China And supported by the first Yizhong Machine Tool Industry Forum held in Beijing on November 30, 2017. Forum theme is: "Italian Industry 4.0 to help create in China 2025."

In recent years, the rapid development of a new generation of information technology and the Internet has been affecting broadly all aspects of human production and life. It has also profoundly affected the pattern of global manufacturing. The fourth industrial revolution marked by Industry 4.0 is now Seeking a breakthrough in the previous trip. With the goal of building a powerful nation, the Chinese government has formulated the "Made in China 2025" national strategy in 2015 and is steadily implementing it. Machine as an important manufacturing equipment, technology is also undergoing rapid changes. High-end CNC machine tools and robots are listed as "Made in China 2025" one of the top ten key areas, fully embodies the machine tool in the new industrial revolution in an important position.

Both Italy and China are big countries in machine tool manufacturing in the world, but both machine tool trades have their own characteristics. At present, China is the country with the largest machine tool production, consumption and import volume in the world, while Italy has a strong advantage in the middle and high-end machine tool market. Therefore, there is a clear complementarity between China and Italy in machine tool manufacturing and marketing. The potential for cooperation between the two machine tool industries is huge. In this context, Italy and China need to further strengthen the machine tool industry exchanges and cooperation, the Italian machine tool enterprises are also eager to understand the needs of Chinese users. Therefore, with the strong support and promotion from the Italian Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology of China, the first Italian machine tool industry forum came into being.

Mr. Xie Guoyi, Ambassador of Italy to China, Mr. Ivan Skafalotto, Vice Minister of Italy's Ministry of Economic Development, Mr. Luo Junjie, Deputy Director of Equipment Department of China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Mr. Wang Ruixiang, President of China Machinery Industry Federation, Italy Mr. Shi Kewei, Chairman of Foreign Trade Commission attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Mr. Massimo Carboniero, Chairman of the Association of Manufacturers of Machine Tools, Robots and Automation Systems, Mr. Mao Yufeng, Executive Vice President of China Machine Tool Industry Association, Mr. Wang Liming, Secretary General of China Machine Tool Industry Association, and Mr. Guo Changcheng, Executive Vice Chairman of China Machine Tool Industry Association meeting.

Participants at the forum included officials from relevant government departments of Italy and Italy, machine tool makers from Italy, machine tool manufacturers and user companies from China, representatives from China Machine Tool Association and China-Italy Machine Tool Association, representatives from Tsinghua University and Milan Polytechnic Institute, media representatives and others. About 200 participants .

The forum is mainly composed of two roundtable talks and is chaired by Mr. Wang Liming, Secretary General of China Machine Tool Industry Association, and Mr. Quito Gacone, Director of China Italian Chamber of Commerce.

Round table talks on the theme of "CNC machine tools, industrial robots and industrial automation", the participating Italian companies are: Bolima, Green Haley, Marposs, Europe and the United States pull the company, Sawanenini company; Chinese enterprises are: Beijing North Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Wuhan Huazhong CNC Co., Ltd., Wuhan Heavy Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Nissho Precision Machinery Co., Ltd.

Roundtable two topics for the "CNC machine tools, industrial robots and industrial automation in the automotive manufacturing, rail transportation, shipbuilding, aerospace and energy industries and the development trend of", the participating Italian companies are: Barry Pass, Ferrari, Jobs Corporation, Mandry Company, Palmer Corporation, Palmers Pass Company, Pitcamana Corporation, Lee Yi Road Company; Chinese enterprises: Qinchuan Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd., Jinan Second Machine Tool Group Co., Ltd., Beijing second Machine Tool Works Co., Ltd.

The two roundtable talks were warm and enthusiastic with discussions. The representatives of enterprises from Italy and China both directly met and communicated with each other, and the audience also had an interactive platform. Through the exchange between the government agencies of the two countries, trade associations, universities, machine tool enterprises and users in key areas, this forum has promoted the mutual understanding of all parties participating in the forum and is conducive to discovering future cooperation opportunities. Although the forum time is short, it has far-reaching significance and will lay a good foundation for further exchanges and cooperation in the future.

In order to better cooperate, TIDI Holdings, Milan Polytechnic University, China Machine Tool Industry Association, Italy Machine Tool, Robotics and Automation Systems Manufacturers Association subsequently signed the "Memorandum of Understanding." Finally, Mr. Massimo Carboniero, President of the Italian Association of Machine Tool, Robotics and Automation Systems Manufacturers, and Mr. Mao Yufeng, Executive Vice President of China Machine Tool Industry Association made concluding remarks.

Mr. Massimo Carboniero highlighted the advantages of Italy in the field of machine tool manufacturing. With 60% of Italian machine tools exported to overseas markets, China is a very important export market in Italy. In the rankings of China's machine tool importers, Italy ranked Sixth, there is still a lot of room for improvement. Italian Industry 4.0 is very willing to help "Made in China 2025" in intelligent manufacturing and internet intelligence and cooperate with a large number of Chinese enterprises. He said that the bilateral forum was very successful and very important to bilateral cooperation and it is of great significance.

Mr. Mao YF Feng said that the machine tool association of Italy and China has a long history of engagement and has been exhibiting at CIMT and CCMT and the Italian Association sponsored by China Machine Tool Industry Association. At several annual International Machine Tool Show, the two associations will be together to carry out exchange activities. With the help of this Italian Machine Tool Forum, the two associations brought together representatives from machine tool enterprises and user areas from both countries to communicate and exchange information. This marked a new stage in the cooperation between the two associations. China adheres to the basic national policy of opening to the outside world, advocates the development of an open world economy and economic globalization, and develops a higher-level open economy. The "Belt and Road Initiative" proposed by China is a major strategic move to expand opening up to the outside world. The two associations are willing to build an international exchange and cooperation platform for the integration of the "Belt and Road" pragmatism in the machine tool industry between China and Italy, and play an international bridging role .

With the joint care and guidance of the relevant government agencies of China and Italy and the efforts of the specific organizational units, the first Sino-Italian Machine Tool Industry Forum has achieved great success.


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